Thursday, December 27, 2007


Yesterday we attended a 'Boxing Day' event at the house of LS and witnessed one of the few 'Wonders of the World'. A christmas tree illuminated by candles, real candles, with real open-flames. It created an ambient show of shadows and lights that held your attention and added an extra tension (possible combustion) to this household decoration.

I have never attended a Boxing Day event, celebrated in Britain and Canada, and this one involved a left-overs dinner. This made perfect sense to me considering that left-overs often come in boxes. I don't think this is the true version of the holiday, but LS is a German author whom writes books that specialize in regional American cuisine. Each book is dedicated to a specific state. On the menu was home made North Carolinan pulled pork on baguettes, with coleslaw and a tomato sauce followed by English Christmas cake for dessert. Mmmmmm, tasted quite authentic.

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