Sunday, January 13, 2008

Eeny, meeny, miny, maybe

Do you ever make those decisions that you know that you are going to regret? The type where you must weigh the repercussions against the benefits, then just go for it.

Well I made one of those decisions this week and am beginning to think that it just might work out. I have been looking for a studio space since shortly after we arrived here in Berlin, and one fell in my lap earlier this week. There are of course pros and cons but I am really hungry for a studio. I'd like to give full disclosure on this posting but the situation is still developing, so a synapses will have to do.

My friend ES has been in Berlin since early summer, renting a room that he uses as a studio and occasionally living space. As a foreigner with part-time work, as most of us are, it can be difficult to rent an apartment. Requiring certain registration documents and up to three months rent as a deposit, then being chosen over any other applicants. ES found an apartment that can best be described as college dorm-like where no one asks questions as long as you pay your rent on time. There are a group of college age guys staying in this apartment and living off of the German welfare system. Which I've learned involves not leaving the house very much, playing a lot of on-line computer games, and having pets. Having pets helps pad your check because you are given extra cash to care for them.

Recently one of these rooms, measuring about 300 sq.ft., came open and ES offered me the opportunity to move in and use it as a studio. The circumstances under which it opened up are still coming into focus but one roommate made a quick exit, a chunk of money went missing, as well as a computer, and (luckily) most of the pets too. So there it is, take it or leave it.

I decided to take it, on a month-to-month rental 'understanding' and can spend the time looking for a more stable situation. The first night I laid awake worrying about the costs, the security, the awkward architectural characteristics of my new studio. Two things that I hate are confrontation and being cheated out of money. In the end I refused to pay a deposit (everyone seems to be happy just to have the room filled). I do not plan on keeping anything valuable in the space, just art, and it cost €23 just to have a set of keys made so there cannot be too many sets floating around. And architecturally the space looked too lived-in, multi-colored walls and a strange coal heating monolith in the corner. I spent the majority of the week white washing everything and if I install a fluorescent light fixture it just might look clean. I look forward to the day that I can sit as my make-shift desk and look out the window onto the park. There is even a Bauhaus (housing supplies) store near by.

by request: pic out the window

Having this space to work in has given me a focus and an outlet that has been lacking up to this point and the guys who live there are rather agreeable. It feels a bit like 1999 when I was 19 and freedom meant having a beer bottle collection and not taking out the trash.

1 comment:

Kevin Killian said...

Show a picture of what it looks like from the studio window! I can just make out a few gauzy colors and it looks very pretty. Is there a bathroom nearby you can use or is that bucket in the corner for a reason?

Hopefully this will help you get on with your work, the reason you went to Berlin in the first place, right?

If nothing else it is an enormous adventure, Ryan, and we are wishing you all the best.