Sunday, January 6, 2008

Stand still


It has been below or around freezing since we woke up on New Years morning to snow flurries. Today it must have become barely warm enough for the snow to turn to a slow steady rain as we wandered the city looking for somewhere new to eat brunch. Finally deciding on Frida Kahlo where I ordered Heuvos Rancheros. The wind kept the temperature down and as the drizzling rain landed on the streets and sidewalks it turned to ice. We slid all the way back to the apartment across the brick, cobblestone, and slabbed rock sidewalks of Berlin. Only now does the texture on America's poured concrete sidewalks make sense to me.


S said...

This photo is amazing! I saw it for this first time when R posted it this morning. He didn't see it...but the first thing I noticed was that the light reflected on the ground makes a perfectly gradiated spectrum/ ice rainbow!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!!!

I set your page to my home page so I can keep up. I'll write more later but just wanted to say hi!!